No. |
Document Title |
No. 401 | Indictment No. 2 of Dorcas Hoar, for Afflicting Mary Walcott |
No. 402 | Deposition of Sarah Bibber v. Dorcas Hoar |
No. 403 | Deposition of Elizabeth Hubbard v. Dorcas Hoar |
No. 404 | Deposition of Ann Putnam Jr., v. Dorcas Hoar |
No. 405 | Deposition of Mary Walcott v. Dorcas Hoar |
No. 406 | List of Witnesses v. Sarah Wilds, and Notation Concerning Sarah Good |
No. 407 | Deposition of Humphrey Clark v. Sarah Wilds |
No. 408 | Deposition of Thomas Dorman v. Sarah Wilds |
No. 409 | Deposition of John Gould & Zacheus Perkins v. Sarah Wilds |
No. 410 | Testimony of John Hale v. Sarah Wilds |
No. 411 | Deposition of Elizabeth Symonds v. Sarah Wilds |
No. 412 | Ephraim Wilds for Sarah Wilds |
No. 413 | Testimony of John Wilds & Ephraim Wilds for Sarah Wilds |
No. 414 * | Examination of Candy |
No. 415 * | Examination of Candy, as Told by John Hale |
No. 416 * | Declaration of Thomas Fisk, Juryman |
No. 417 * | Appeal of Rebecca Nurse |
No. 418 | Warrant for the Execution of Sarah Good, Rebecca Nurse, Susannah Martin, Elizabeth How, & Sarah Wilds, and Officer's Return |
No. 419 | Examination of Ann Foster |
No. 420 | Docketed Cover Paper Used to Contain the Warrant for the Execution of Sarah Good, Elizabeth How, Susannah Martin, Rebecca Nurse, & Sarah Wilds. |
No. 421 | Complaint of Joseph Ballard v. Mary Lacey Sr. & Mary Lacey Jr. |
No. 422 | Warrant for the Apprehension of Mary Lacey Jr., and Officer's Return |
No. 423 * | Warrant for the Apprehension of Richard Carrier & Andrew Carrier, and Officer's Return |
No. 424 * | Examinations of Ann Foster, Mary Lacey Sr., & Mary Lacey Jr. |
No. 425 | Examinations of Mary Lacey Jr., Mary Lacey Sr., & Ann Foster, Copy |
No. 426 | Examination of Mary Lacey Sr. |
No. 427 | Warrant for the Apprehension of Martha Emerson, and Officer's Return |
No. 428 | Examinations of Richard Carrier, Mary Lacey Sr., Mary Lacey Jr. & Andrew Carrier, Andover Examinations Copy |
No. 429 | Examination of Richard Carrier |
No. 430 * | Fragment of the Examination of Richard Carrier |
No. 431 | Petition in Support of Mary Bradbury |
No. 432 | Examination of Martha Emerson |
No. 433 * | Petition of John Procter from Prison |
No. 434 | Summons for Witness v. George Burroughs, and Officer's Return |
No. 435 * | Appointment of Anthony Checkley and Payment to Stephen Sewall |
No. 436 | Commission from William Phips to Anthony Checkley as Attorney General |
No. 437 | Warrant for the Apprehension of Mary Bridges Sr., and Officer's Return |
No. 438 | Warrant for the Apprehension of Mary Green & Hannah Bromage, and Officer's Return |
No. 439 | Testimony of Thomas Bradbury for Mary Bradbury |
No. 440 | Examination of Hannah Bromage |
No. 441 * | Examination of Mary Toothaker |
No. 442 | Examination of Mary Toothaker, Copy |
No. 443 | Summons for Witnesses v. Martha Carrier, and Officer's Return |
No. 444 | Summons for Witnesses v. Martha Carrier, and Officer's Return |
No. 445 | Warrant for the Apprehension of Mary Post, and Officer's Return |
No. 446 | Testimony of Mary Webber v. George Burroughs |
No. 447 | Testimony of Samuel Webber v. George Burroughs |
No. 448 | Deposition of John Rogers v. Martha Carrier |
No. 449 * | Testimony of William Beale v. Philip English |
No. 450 | Complaint of Robert Swan & John Swan v. Mary Clark |
No. 451 | Warrant for the Apprehension of Mary Clark, and Officer's Return |
No. 452 | Indictment No. 1 of George Burroughs, for Afflicting Mary Walcott |
No. 453 | Indictment No. 2 of George Burroughs, for Afflicting Mercy Lewis |
No. 454 | Indictment No. 3 of George Burroughs, for Afflicting Elizabeth Hubbard |
No. 455 | Indictment No. 4 of George Burroughs, for Afflicting Ann Putnam Jr. |
No. 456 * | Fragment of a Statement of Richard Carrier, Mary Lacey Sr., & Mary Lacey Jr. v. George Burroughs |
No. 457 | Deposition of Ann Putnam Jr. v. George Burroughs, and Statement of Thomas Putnam, Peter Prescott, Robert Morey, & Ezekiel Cheevers v. George Burroughs |
No. 458 | Testimony of Mary Warren v. George Burroughs, John Alden, Martha Cory, & Ann Pudeator |
No. 459 | Indictment No. 1 of Mary Esty, for Afflicting Mercy Lewis |
No. 460 | Indictment No. 2 of Mary Esty, for Afflicting Elizabeth Hubbard |
No. 461 | Statement of Sarah Bibber v. Mary Esty |
No. 462 | Statement of Mary Warren v. Mary Esty |
No. 463 | Testimony of Benjamin Abbott and Deposition of Sarah Abbott v. Martha Carrier |
No. 464 | Deposition of Phoebe Chandler and Testimony of Bridget Chandler v. Martha Carrier |
No. 465 | Testimony of Andrew Foster v. Martha Carrier |
No. 466 | Statement of Samuel Preston v. Martha Carrier |
No. 467 | Deposition of Thomas Putnam & John Putnam Jr. v. Martha Carrier |
No. 468 | Deposition of Allen Toothaker v. Martha Carrier |
No. 469 | Examination of Mary Clark |
No. 470 | Testimony of George Herrick & William Dounton v. George Jacobs Sr. |
No. 471 * | Deposition of Mary Daniel v. Margaret Scott & Goodwife Jackson |
No. 472 | Deposition of Elizabeth Booth & Testimony of Susannah Shelden v. John Willard |
No. 473 | Summons for Witnesses John Pierce & John Lane v. George Burroughs, and Officer's Return |
No. 474 | Physical Examinations of George Burroughs & George Jacobs Sr. |
No. 475 | Summons for Witnesses v. George Jacobs Sr. |
No. 476 | Indictment No. 1 of Martha Cory, for Afflicting Elizabeth Hubbard |
No. 477 | Indictment No. 2 of Martha Cory, for Afflicting Mercy Lewis |
No. 478 | Indictment No. 1 of George Jacobs Sr., for Afflicting Mary Walcott |
No. 479 | Indictment No. 2 of George Jacobs Sr., for Afflicting Mercy Lewis (Returned Ignoramus) |
No. 480 | Statements of Sarah Bibber, Sarah Churchill, Elizabeth Hubbard, Mary Walcott, & Mary Warren v. George Jacobs Sr. |
No. 481 | Testimony of John DeRich v. George Jacobs Sr. et al. |
No. 482 | Testimony of John DeRich v. George Jacobs Sr. |
No. 483 | Deposition of Joseph Flint v. George Jacobs Sr. |
No. 484 | Deposition of Elizabeth Bailey v. John Willard |
No. 485 | Deposition of Thomas Bailey v. John Willard |
No. 486 | Deposition of Philip Knight & Thomas Nichols v. John Willard |
No. 487 | Deposition of Lydia Nichols & Margaret Knight v. John Willard |
No. 488 | Deposition of Bray Wilkins v. John Willard |
No. 489 | Testimony of Rebecca Wilkins v. John Willard |
No. 490 | Deposition of Samuel Wilkins v. John Willard |
No. 491 | Summons for Witnesses v. George Burroughs, and Officer's Return |
No. 492 | Deposition of Hannah Harris v. George Burroughs |
No. 493 * | Testimony of Thomas Ruck v. George Burroughs |
No. 494 | Deposition of Joseph Bailey & Priscilla Bailey v. Elizabeth Procter & John Procter |
No. 495 | Petition in Support of John Procter & Elizabeth Procter |
No. 496 | Petition in Support of John Procter & Elizabeth Procter |
No. 497 | Testimony of William Rayment Jr. for Elizabeth Procter |
No. 498 | Testimony of William Rayment Jr. for Elizabeth Procter, Copy |
No. 499 | Testimony of Samuel Barton for Elizabeth Procter, and Testimony of John Houghton for Elizabeth Procter |
No. 500 | Testimony of Daniel Elliot for Elizabeth Procter |
Nos. 1-100 | Nos. 101-200 | Nos. 201-300 | Nos. 301-400 | Nos. 401-500 | Nos. 501-600 | Nos. 601-700 | Nos. 701-800 | Nos. 801-900 | Nos. 901-980 |