A Guide to the Primary Sources of the Salem Witch Trials
The "New" Records Included in Records of the Salem Witch-Hunt
Records of the Salem Witch-Hunt contains 71 entries that do not appear in the Salem Witchcraft Papers. Although a few of these are from previously unknown manuscripts that have only newly surfaced in the past decade, but many of these items had been known to scholars. Some were transcribed and published in 19th century antiquarian journals and histories but never been included in a collection before and the original manuscripts are now lost. Some have been located in archives where no one had looked for anything before, and some manuscripts had simply been overlooked in major archives by transcribers in the past. This page describes where the editors found these "new documents". An asterisk (*) after the document number indicates there is no link to an image of the source.
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No. Title in Records of the Salem Witch-Hunt How it was found
No. 17 * Examination of Martha Cory, as Told by Deodat Lawson These four entries in Records have been extracted from Rev. Deodat Lawson's first person account published in the book, A Brief and True Narrative of Some Remarkable Passages... (1692). These descriptions of the second wave of examinations were not included in SWP although the larger work has been reprinted in various anthologies and is available on-line. We have chosen to extract only the accounts of examinations, in keeping with our stated objective to present the legal proceedings. Although there are formally recorded accounts of the examinations of Cory and Nurse, these are the only extant accounts of the examinations of five-year-old Dorothy Good.
No. 25 * Examination of Dorothy Good, as Told by Deodat Lawson
No. 29 * Examination of Rebecca Nurse, as Told by Deodat Lawson
No. 33 * Examination of Dorothy Good, as Told by Deodat Lawson
No. 36 Deposition of Thomas Burnam Jr. v. Rachel Clinton This manuscript was located by Mary Beth Norton at the Maine Historical Society and is transcribed here for the first time.
No. 38 Deposition of Thomas Knowlton v. Rachel Clinton This manuscript has been part of the Cornell University Witchcraft Collection for many years, but the appearance of the date "1687" in 18th century handwriting has generally removed it from consideration as pertaining to the events in 1692. Closer scrutiny of the handwriting, the numerals forming the age of the deponent, and other contextual clues support its inclusion as a record from 1692, not 1687.
No. 65 * Examination of Giles Cory This examination was published in transcription in the 1823 edition of Calef's More Wonders of the Invisible World, but not included in SWP.
No. 81 * Summons for Witnesses v. Rachel Clinton, and Officer's Return This record was found in transcription in a 19th century history of Ipswich.
No. 220 * Order for the Establishment of a Special Commission of Oyer & Terminer for Suffolk, Essex, and Middlesex Counties This is one of several entries found in the Governor's Council Executive Records of 1692.
No. 232 Warrant for Jurors for the Court of Oyer and Terminer This original manuscript has re-surfaced only in the past decade, in the hands of a private manuscript collection.
No. 309 Examination of Ann Dolliver These are two of six original manuscripts located in the Boston Public Library that were overlooked when Boyer & Nissenbaum added items from the BPL collection to the WPA transcriptions that make up the bulk of SWP. They are transcribed here for the first time.
No. 310 Examination of Mary Ireson
No. 319 * Petition of William Milborne This item appeared in transcription in a 19th century antiquarian journal.
No. 320 * Order for the Arrest of William Milborne This is one of several entry taken from the records of the Colonial Office at the National Archives, London.
No. 342 Fragment of the Examination of Deliverance Hobbs This is a very small piece of manuscript found in the Essex County Court Archives, currently held at the Phillips Library of Peabody Essex Museum. The text does not appear in SWP.
No. 394 * Testimony of Martha Wood v. Elizabeth How Although most of the manuscripts transcribed by Rev. Cotton Mather in his book Wonders of the Invisible World (1692) are still in the Essex County Court Archives, this one is not extant, and has not been included in other collections.
No. 415 * Examination of Candy, as Told by John Hale This is a slightly different account of this woman's examination, as extracted from Rev. John Hale's A Modern Enquiry (1702).
No. 430 * Fragment of the Examination of Richard Carrier When writing his The History of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay in the late 18th century, Thomas Hutchinson had access to various manuscripts that have since disappeared. Some of the transcriptions he published in his history appeared in SWP, but a 19th century discovery of a draft of the History by William Frederick Poole revealed small excerpts from transcriptions of additional manuscripts. This is one of these pieces, as published in an antiquarian journal in 1870 by Poole.
No. 435 * Appointment of Anthony Checkley and Payment to Stephen Sewall This is another entry from the Governor's Council Executive Records of 1692
No. 436 Commission from William Phips to Anthony Checkley as Attorney General This manuscript was located at the Massachusetts State Archives.
No. 438 * Warrant for the Apprehension of Mary Green & Hannah Bromage, and Officer's Return A facsimile of this manuscript appeared in a history published in 1904. The original manuscript itself turned up at the University of Michigan.
No. 451 Warrant for the Apprehension of Mary Clark, and Officer's Return This is a third of six original manuscripts located in the Boston Public Library that were overlooked when Boyer & Nissenbaum, and appear in transcription for the first time.
No. 456 * Fragment of a Statement of Richard Carrier, Mary Lacey Sr., & Mary Lacey Jr. v. George Burroughs This is a transcription of a short bit of text in Hutchinson's History that was not used in SWP.
No. 471 * Deposition of Mary Daniel v. Margaret Scott & Elizabeth Jackson A transcription of this document appeared in a 19th century history of the town of Rowley, but during the work on Records, the original manuscript of this and another record in the Scott case surfaced in a dealer's catalog for sale, and our transcriptions are taken from the original.
No. 493 * Testimony of Thomas Ruck v. George Burroughs This is a second record that Cotton Mather transcribed for Wonders of the Invisible World for which the locations of the original manuscript is unknown.
No. 509 Examination of Daniel Eames This is one of four manuscripts that Mary Beth Norton located at the Massachusetts Historical Society among the uncatalogued manuscripts.  They are presented in transcription for the first time.
No. 529 Examination of Mary Marston, Copy Although the original manuscript of this record has been published, this entry was contained in a longer document that contains copies of eighteen examinations, many of which were transcribed and included in SWP, but this particular one was not.
No. 545 * Examination of Margaret Prince A facsimile image of this manuscript appeared in a book dealer's catalog in 1936, but the location of the original is unknown.
No. 553 Deposition of Thomas Putnam & William Murray v. Alice Parker This manuscript is currently in the Essex County Court Archives, and was included in the W. Elliot Woodward's Records of Salem Witchcraft (1864), but it was not incoluded in SWP.
No. 577 * Fragment of the Examination of Deliverance Dane This is another small portion of a transcription found in Hutchinson's History that was not included in SWP.
No. 604 Report of William Arnold, re Elizabeth Colson This manuscript was in the Suffolk Court Files at the Massachusetts State Archives, and was not included in SWP.
No. 605 Testimony of Mary Marshall v. Elizabeth Colson These are the fourth and fifth of six original manuscripts located in the Boston Public Library that were overlooked when Boyer & Nissenbaum, and appear in transcription for the first time.
No. 616 Indictment of Ann Foster for Afflicting Mary Walcott
No. 634 Deposition of Thomas Greenslit v. George Burroughs There are two versions of this document. The version that appears in SWP is clearly a cleaned up version of this original, found in the Massachusetts Historical Society's collection. The original, still in the Essex County Court Archives has Greenslit's personal mark on it, and is the one that was transcribed in Woodward's Records of Salem Witchcraft in 1864. Records includes transcriptions of both manuscripts.
No. 641 * Indictment of Margaret Scott, for Afflicting Mary Daniel This is the second manuscript in the Scott case that was sold by a rare manuscript dealer in the 1990s.
No. 642 * Indictment of Margaret Scott, for Afflicting Frances Wycomb These are five more documents that appeared in transcription in a nineteenth century history of the town of Rowley.
No. 643 * Deposition of Sarah Coleman v. Margaret Scott
No. 645 * Deposition of Thomas Nelson v. Margaret Scott
No. 646 * Statements of Mary Warren, Elizabeth Hubbard, & Ann Putnam Jr. v. Margaret Scott
No. 647 * Deposition of Daniel Wycomb & John Burbank v. Margaret Scott
No. 675 * Fragment of the Examination of Joan Penny This is another small excerpt transcribed by Hutchinson for his History, the original manuscript of which is no longer extant.
No. 678 * Judgment v. John Shepherd for Assisting Mary Green to Escape The original record book of The Court of General Sessions of the Peace, an inferior court, in Essex County contained these two and a third entry related to the witchcraft, and are transcribed here for the first time.
No. 679 * Provision for the Support of the Children of Samuel Wardwell Sr.
No. 680 * Placement of the Wardwell Children by the Selectmen of Andover This item was found in transcription in a 19th century history of the town of Andover.
No. 684 Deposition of John Browne Jr. v. Sarah Cole (of Lynn) This is the last of of six original manuscripts located in the Boston Public Library that were overlooked when Boyer & Nissenbaum, and appear in transcription for the first time.
No. 692 * Receipt of Sheriff George Corwin to Samuel Bishop for the Seized Estate of Edward & Sarah Bishop The transcription of this item appeared in Robert Calef's More Wonders of the Invisible World (1700).
No. 700 * An Act for the Prevention of Juggling, Spells, Charms, etc. These manuscripts were located at the Massachusetts State Archives.
No. 701 * General Court Bill Proposing a General Day of Prayer and Fasting and Calling a Convocation of the Elders to Determine a Course of Action Due to the Recent Witchcraft Outbreak
No. 707 Deposition of Elizabeth Hubbard v. Abigail Row, Esther Elwell & Rebecca Dike This is the second of four uncatalogued manuscripts located by Mary Beth Norton at the Massachusetts Historical Society.
No. 709 * Statement of John Hale & Joseph Gerrish v. Mary Herrick This transcription was located in a 19th century antiquarian journal
No. 724 * An Act for Enabling the Justices of the Superior Court to Hold a Court of Assize and General Goale Delivery This manuscript was located at the Massachusetts State Archives.
No. 727 * Call for a Day of Prayer and Fasting This item was found in the Colonial Office papers of the National Archives, London.
No. 729 * Appointment of the Justices and Clerk of the Superior Court of Judicature and Court of Assize This is from the Governor's Council Executive Records.
No. 789 Indictment of Mary English, for Afflicting Elizabeth Hubbard (Returned Ignoramus) This original manuscript was located in a collection at Yale University.
No. 817 * Indictment of Mary Lacey Jr., for Covenanting A hand-written 19th century transcription of this document was located at the Danvers Archival Center.
No. 824 * Crown's Reply to William Phips about Proceedings Against Witches These two entries were located in the records of the Colonial Office at the National Archives, London.
No. 835 * Order for Paying Mary Gedney
No. 840 * Letter of William Phips to George Corwin This manuscript was located at the American Antiquarian Society, and was located by Bernard Rosenthal when working on Salem Story.
No. 841 Account for Payment Submitted by John Arnold, Jailkeeper This item was located in the Judicial Records, Massachusetts State Archives.
No. 843 Indictment of Daniel Eames, for Afflicting Mary Warren (Returned Ignoramus) This is the third of four uncatalogued manuscripts located by Mary Beth Norton at the Massachusetts Historical Society.
No. 852 * Petition of Anthony Checkley The manuscript was located in the Massachusetts State Archives by Molly Warsh, a student of Mary Beth Norton.
No. 853 Order for the Release of Mary Watkins This is one of two manuscripts located at the Maine Historical Society.
No. 854 * Council Record Noting Arrival of Crown's Reply to William Phips This item was found in the Colonial Office papers of the National Archives, London.
No. 857 Account for Payment Submitted by William Dounton, Jailkeeper This is the last of four uncatalogued manuscripts located by Mary Beth Norton at the Massachusetts Historical Society
No. 867 * Bill to Towns for Courts of Oyer & Terminer and Other Matters This is the third of three entries transcribed for the first time from the original record book of The Court of General Sessions of the Peace, an inferior court, in Essex County.
No. 877 * An Act for the Reversing the Attainder of Abigail Faulkner Sr. & Others This item was located in the Acts and Resolves, Public and Private, of the Province of Massachusetts Bay
No. 923 Petition of John Parker & Joseph Parker for Restitution for Mary Parker This manuscript was overlooked by the WPA when transcribing Vol. 135 at the Massachusetts State Archives, and not included in SWP.
No. 960 * Order of Rachel Slue for Payment This is a manuscript in the Essex County Court Archives that was apparently overlooked by the WPA and not included in SWP.
No. 974 Resolve Allowing £50 to Thomas Rich This item was located in the Acts and Resolves, Public and Private, of the Province of Massachusetts Bay
No. 975 * Deposition of Susannah Touzel, re Phillip English These two depositions in an 18th century case, referring to the escape of Philip English, were transcribed in an early 20th century antiquarian journal.
No. 976 * Deposition of Margaret Casnoe re Phillip English

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