Boston Public Library, Boston, MA: Rare Books & Manuscripts | Back to Archive List
No. 42: Testimony of Mary Edwards & John Edwards v. Rachel Clinton |
No. 43: Deposition of James Fuller Jr. v. Rachel Clinton |
No. 112: Deposition of Mary Walcott v. Susannah Martin |
No. 161: Warrant No. 2 for the Apprehension of Daniel Andrew, George Jacobs Jr., & Elizabeth Colson, and Warrant No. 3 for the Apprehension of Elizabeth Colson in Suffolk County, and Officer's Return |
No. 162: Return of the Coroner's Jury on the Inquest into the Death of Daniel Wilkins |
No. 165: Statement of George Herrick & Benjamin Wilkins v. John Willard & Sarah Buckley |
No. 173: Examination of John Willard |
No. 174: Examination of John Willard, Second Version |
No. 180: Deposition of Mary Walcott v. John Willard |
No. 183: Testimony of Abigail Williams v. John Willard |
No. 185: Deposition of Ann Putnam Jr. v. John Willard |
No. 222: List of Accused and Accusers |
No. 309: Examination of Ann Dolliver |
No. 310: Examination of Mary Ireson |
No. 343: Deposition of Sarah Stephens & Margery Pasque v. Rebecca Nurse, Sarah Cloyce, & Faith Black |
No. 395: Complaint of John Putnam Jr. & Thomas Putnam v. Margaret Hawkes & Candy |
No. 418: Warrant for the Execution of Sarah Good, Rebecca Nurse, Susannah Martin, Elizabeth How, & Sarah Wilds, and Officer's Return |
No. 421: Complaint of Joseph Ballard v. Mary Lacey Sr. & Mary Lacey Jr. |
No. 422: Warrant for the Apprehension of Mary Lacey Jr., and Officer's Return |
No. 423 *: Warrant for the Apprehension of Richard Carrier & Andrew Carrier, and Officer's Return |
No. 427: Warrant for the Apprehension of Martha Emerson, and Officer's Return |
No. 437: Warrant for the Apprehension of Mary Bridges Sr., and Officer's Return |
No. 445: Warrant for the Apprehension of Mary Post, and Officer's Return |
No. 450: Complaint of Robert Swan & John Swan v. Mary Clark |
No. 451: Warrant for the Apprehension of Mary Clark, and Officer's Return |
No. 510: Warrant for the Apprehension of Frances Hutchins & Ruth Wilford, and Officer's Return |
No. 513: Warrant for the Apprehension of William Barker Sr., Mary Marston, & Mary Barker, and Officer's Return |
No. 514: Complaint of Ephraim Foster & Joseph Tyler v. John Jackson Jr., John Jackson Sr., & John Howard |
No. 515: Warrant for the Apprehension of John Jackson Sr., John Jackson Jr., & John Howard, and Officer's Return |
No. 520: Examination of John Jackson Jr. |
No. 522: Warrant for the Apprehension of Elizabeth Johnson Sr. & Abigail Johnson, and Officer's Return |
No. 541: Warrant for the Apprehension of Elizabeth Dicer & Margaret Prince, and Officer's Return |
No. 542: Complaint of Thomas Dodd v. Nicholas Frost and Complaint of Simon Willard & Elizer Keyser v. Joseph Emmons |
No. 603: Warrant for the Apprehension of Hannah Carroll & Sarah Cole (of Salem), and Officer's Return |
No. 605: Testimony of Mary Marshall v. Elizabeth Colson |
No. 613: Complaint of Zebulon Hill v. Joan Penny |
No. 616: Indictment of Ann Foster for Afflicting Mary Walcott |
No. 617: Statements of Mary Warren, Mary Walcott & Elizabeth Hubbard v. Ann Foster |
No. 640: Statements of Mary Walcott, Mary Warren, & Ann Putnam Jr. v. Rebecca Eames |
No. 643: Deposition of Sarah Coleman v. Margaret Scott |
No. 645: Deposition of Thomas Nelson v. Margaret Scott |
No. 646: Statements of Mary Warren, Elizabeth Hubbard, & Ann Putnam Jr. v. Margaret Scott |
No. 647: Deposition of Daniel Wycomb & John Burbank v. Margaret Scott |
No. 674: Warrant for the Apprehension of Joan Penny, and Officer's Return |
No. 682: Warrant for the Apprehension of Sarah Cole (of Lynn), with Summons for Witnesses, and Officer's Return |
No. 684: Deposition of John Browne Jr. v. Sarah Cole (of Lynn) |
No. 744: Recognizance for John Alden by Nathaniel Williams & Samuel Checkley |