No. 537: Examination of Mercy Wardwell, Copy |
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No. 779: Indictment of Mercy Wardwell, for Covenanting |
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No. 782: Court Record of the Trial of Mercy Wardwell |
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No. 925: Petition of Mercy (Wardwell) Wright for Restitution |
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No. 930: Summary of the Amounts Requested by the Victims & Their Relatives |
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No. 933: Request for Copy of Act for Restitution |
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What kind of primary source evidence does a check in each column indicate?
Complaint or Arrest - Either a formal complaint or an arrest warrant against this person exists.
Examination - An account of an examination (interrogation) or confession before local magistrates or in prison exists.
Imprisonment - A mittimus to move this person to/from jail, a recognizance or bond to release the person from jail, a reference in a jailer's bill, or a request for compensation for time spent in jail exists.
Evidence Entered - At least one deposition, statement, testimony or petition from any proceeding (preliminary hearing, grand jury or trial) for or against this person exists.
Grand Jury or Indictment - A deposition, statement or testimony sworn before the grand jury of inquest, a physical examination of the body of this person, or an indictment brought before a grand jury exists.
Jury Trial - An entry in a court record book or a contemporary account of the trial exists.
Conviction - A death warrant indicating that the person was convicted, a notation about the case in a record book of the conviction, a statement that the person was convicted in either a request for reversal of attainder or for compensation from the Crown exists.
Execution - The return of an officer on a death warrant, a statement that the person was executed in a request for reversal of attainder or for compensation from the Crown, or an entry in Samuel Sewall's diary exists.
Restitution - Accounts submitted for restitution, orders for payment to survivors, acts for reversal of attainder or for payments of restitution, proclamations clearing the accused